
BodyTalk, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Energy Work.

Are you ready for a mind body energy upgrade? Need help in lowering stress levels, anxiety or panic? Or maybe support in boosting immune health, energy levels and sleep quality? Maybe you simply want to feel happier, balanced and more content within yourself, your relationships and life in general. An experienced BodyTalk Practitioner, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist, Intuitive and Energy Healer - Merran Lusher, ND can help you to achieve all of these things and more. 

London clinic:

Merran Lusher, ND runs a busy clinic across her well established south west London practice at triyoga Chelsea. She also offers distance sessions. If you live outside of London, or prefer not to travel, why not try a remote appointment?


Remote clinic:

Remote treatments are brilliant in the case of social distancing and for those who live outside of London or abroad. Convenient, safe and an effective way to receive mind-body healthcare - at a distance. Curious? Why not try it for yourself?